RDS participates in projects all over the world.

The Power of Siberia Gas Pipeline
2015 - 2018
MG «Power of Siberia» is a Russian main gas pipeline for gas supplies from Yakutia to Primorsky Krai and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. A joint project of Gazprom and CNPC (China).
Length — 2159 km, pipe diameter — 1420 mm, working pressure — 9.8 MPa, export capacity — 38 billion cubic meters of gas per year.
2015 - 2018
The Chayandinskoye oil and Gas condensate field is one of the largest in the east of Russia. It is the base for the formation of the Yakut gas production Center and the resource base for the Power of Siberia gas pipeline and the Amur Gas Processing Plant (along with the Kovyktinskoye field in the Irkutsk region)
Amur Gas Processing Plant
2016 - 2018
Amur Gas Processing Plant (Amur Gas Processing Plant) is a gas processing plant near the city of Svobodny, Amur Region of Russia. The plant will extract gases accompanying methane from natural gas: ethane, propane, butane and other heavier fractions of hydrocarbons, as well as helium. Amur GAS will become the second largest natural gas processing facility (42 billion m3 per year) and the world's largest helium production facility (up to 60 million m3 per year). The implementation of such a large-scale project in the field of processing has no analogues in the history of the Russian gas industry.
Arrangement of the Kaliningrad underground gas storage (UGS)
2016 - 2018
In September 2013, Gazprom completed the construction of the first stage of the UGS, consisting of two underground tanks and the necessary compressor capacities. In order to connect the UGS to the Minsk— Vilnius—Kaunas—Kaliningrad gas pipeline, a branch gas pipeline with a length of about 26 km was built. The UGS is also connected to the marine gas receiving terminal, which was commissioned in January 2019. Thus, it is possible to obtain gas from the floating regasification plant "Marshal Vasilevsky". Work on the expansion of UGS continues. In December 2017, two new underground reservoirs were put into operation. It is planned to increase the number of tanks to 14. As a result, the UGS will reach its design capacity: the volume of the operational reserve of gas is 800 million cubic meters, the capacity is 12 million cubic meters. m per day.
Compressor station «Kazachya»
2015 - 2016
Four gas pumping units of the "Kazachya" are designed to supply gas to the "Russian" CS located near Anapa. The capacity of each unit is 25 MW. The inlet pressure is 9.8 MPa. At the compressor station, the pressure rises to 11.8 MPa and with such indicators, gas enters the Russian CS, from where it will soon be transported to Turkey and Europe via the Black Sea. The total capacity of the Cossack CS is 100 MW. The annual capacity of the plant is 31.5 billion cubic meters of gas.
The main gas pipeline «South European gas pipeline. The site «Pochinki-Anapa»
2015 - 2016
The project "Expansion of the ESG to ensure the supply of gas to the South Stream gas pipeline Stage 2 (Eastern Corridor) to ensure the supply of gas in the volume of up to 63 billion m3/year" South Stream is Gazprom's infrastructure project for the construction of a gas pipeline with a capacity of 63 billion cubic meters through the Black Sea to the countries of South and Central Asia. Europe in order to diversify natural gas export routes and eliminate transit risks. In order to implement this project, the Company carried out works on the construction of the linear part of the gas pipeline (section km 978 – km 1231) DN 1400, Ru 9.8 Mpa, five crane nodes Dn1400, the construction of a gas pipeline through water barriers by directional drilling, the construction of a gas pipeline through the Proletarian reservoir (Manych river) by microtunneling with a length of 1253 meters, construction of long-distance power supply lines, telemechanization facilities (crane units, SKZ), electrochemical protection facilities of the gas pipeline, landscaping and landscaping of the territory.
Development of the Bear oil and gas condensate field
2015 - 2017
The Medvezhye gas field is unique in terms of gas reserves, located in the Yamalo—Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 50 km southeast of the village of Nyda. It is part of the West Siberian Oil and gas province.landscaping and landscaping of the territory.
The project provides for the construction of a gas collection point and an automated gas distribution station (AGRS) as part of the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of gas fieldsBear oil and gas condensate field (NGCM). At the same time, the main infrastructure facilities will be constructed: a loop connection node with a capacity of 870 million m3/year of gas, a gas collection network with a length of more than 5 km, a production and energy unit, a 6-kilovolt power transmission line (transmission line) with a length of 10.8 km. In the area of the temporary residential complex GP-7 of the Medvezhy NGKM, a block AGRS with a working pressure of 4 MPa, a gas pipeline, an access road and on-site engineering networks will be erected. Work will also be carried out on the installation of integrated gas treatment (CCG), booster compressor station (DCS), transformer substation (PS) and field gas pipelines-loops.

Completed WORKS

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