Quality control

Inspection is the only way to make sure that you receive the product in full compliance with the ordered specification and in proper condition.

In no case should the inspection be neglected. No matter how reliable, well-known or large the supplier is, it is necessary to check the product for compliance with all parameters and requirements before shipping.

The issue of product quality is of paramount importance in the entire product supply process. RDS company provides qualified services for checking the quality of goods at various stages of the order.

Types of quality control

  • Product loading control
    A way to check the readiness of a batch for shipment and guarantee that the goods will be shipped from the factory in strict accordance with the specification and order quantity. The presence of a representative at the loading is also necessary to control the correct distribution of cargo in the container and compliance with loading rules that will avoid problems during the delivery process (loading/unloading, transportation and movement, inspection, etc.).
  • Checking the finished batch
    The main type of quality control for ready-to-ship goods. The company's specialist selectively or fully checks the product for compliance with the requirements of the terms of reference (TR).
    A detailed check concerns:
    • appearance
    • completeness
    • properties
    • functionality of the product itself
    • correctness of packaging and labeling
    If any deficiencies are identified, this is immediately reported to the customer.
  • Supplier audit
    This is one of the most important stages of building a business abroad. Numerous search resources cannot guarantee the reliability of the supplier. Resellers are often registered under the guise of manufacturers, and sometimes even just scammers. Well-designed websites, numerous certificates, good English, photos from production and many other arguments do not always correspond to the real state of affairs.

    RDS strongly recommends conducting a thorough check of potential partners. We will audit the manufacturer in any region, and you will receive all the necessary information to make a decision on cooperation with a new supplier.
Knowledge of loading
and placement rules
the objectivity of verification
Strict execution of technical specifications
Many years
of work experience abroad
Download verification anywhere in the world
Comprehensive supplier verification
Detailed inspection report
Free supplier search
Verification according to the AQL standard
Product loading control
  • Matching the container number
  • The product is ready for shipment
  • The product range and its compliance with the specification
  • Product Quantity
  • Correct configuration
  • Correct packaging
  • The presence and correctness of marking
  • Correct loading
  • Laying and securing the goods
  • Installation and seal number
  • The correctness of the shipping documents (packing list, bill of lading, etc.)

In case of problems related to the product or the loading process, we will immediately inform you and decide on further actions before the cargo leaves the factory!
Only our company provides you with a unique opportunity to control and direct the online inspection of goods from anywhere in the world.

It is enough to have a smartphone with Internet access and one of the free applications for exchanging text/voice messages, sending and viewing photos/videos, as well as audio and video calls.

Without waiting for a report, you will be provided with comprehensive information about the condition of the product and its readiness for shipment in real time.
An important stage of product quality control is the inspection of components and assembly at an early stage of production. This makes it possible to stop production in time if any deficiencies are identified and, as a result, avoid larger-scale problems before shipping the finished batch.

Checking at the production stage allows you to:
  • find out the quality of raw materials and components,
  • which equipment the manufacturer uses,
  • the level of organization of the production process,
  • compliance with production technology and technological process.
The verification is performed using the international AQL quality assurance standard.

The AQL verification standard.
AQL testing involves selecting a certain number of samples from a batch and checking them for compliance with the requirements of certificates and standards, as well as the special conditions of the customer. Such an inspection of the product allows for a detailed assessment of all significant product parameters, as well as to identify defects, the use of substandard materials or a violation of production technology. You will receive a detailed report based on the test results.

Comprehensive manufacturer inspection

  • 1
    Document verification
    - Verification of registration documents and certificates
    - Checking the manufacturer's contact information
    - Analysis of foreign economic contracts
  • 2
    Production visit
    - Checking the level of technical equipment
    - Checking the level of work of the staff (number of employees, skill level)
    - Inspection of the main facilities of the factory, including production lines, equipment, office, quality control system, warehouse, etc.
    - Verification of the production process and production capabilities
    - Inspection of the quality of the materials used
    - Checking the process of packing goods and storing finished products
    - Checking of other issues at the prior instruction of the customer
  • 3
    - Providing a detailed report on the audit results (including photos and videos of the audit process)

Stages of control

- Formation of TK
- TK analysis by a specialist
- Departure of a specialist for control
- Providing a detailed photo report
The content of the TK
  1. Manufacturer's name, contact person, phone number or e-mail
  2. Date of shipment
  3. Product Name, quantity, Specification, photo
  4. Verification requirements and suggestions
Our specialists will respond to your request as quickly as possible and provide you with a commercial offer.

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