RDS is a supplier of high–quality petroleum products throughout Russia and on export from leading manufacturers.

Our company successfully operates in the market in the field of petroleum products sales, strictly fulfilling contractual conditions, observing deadlines and quality control

The company specializes in the transportation of various types of fuel. Among the core products: light petroleum products (automobile gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene), dark petroleum products (fuel oil, bitumen), LPG (PBA, PBT, propane, SPBT), as well as raw materials (oil, gas condensate).


Full range of services

  • Quality control
    We cooperate with the best producers of petroleum products in the country, so we can guarantee high quality of the product at minimal prices. In addition, each type of fuel passes through our strict professional selection, so that the final product has the appropriate certification and does not need additional verification.
  • Flexibility in volumes
    Due to the presence of a large number of our own warehouses and warehouses leased from refineries, we carry out deliveries in all regions of Russia in the volume necessary for the client and without surpluses.
  • Advanced logistics
    We provide various types of transportation at any time of the day and seven days a week, including: by rail and motor transport, pickup from oil refineries (refineries), through a pipeline and a transfer.
  • Speed
    Due to the automation of processes, we are constantly reducing the delivery time.
  • Deferred payment
    We work with the refinery directly, so we can provide deferred payment to our regular customers without changing the delivery dates.
  • Support
    Complete information about the supply of petroleum products – you can easily specify the status of your order on demand
  • Full delivery cycle
    You don't need to look for a separate company for each service. It is much more convenient to get the whole range of services in one place
Our specialists will respond to your request as quickly as possible and provide you with a commercial offer.

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